Monday, June 11, 2012


Everyday we walk through 
this minefield of optical
illusions. Can an elephant
become a tiny harmless
fish?  Can a piranha become
a kitten?  They tell us one
thing, expect us to to see it,
and it's not really there.  But
the dancers and eternal teens
keep believing because the
visual and emotional pillagers,
the clowns with all kinds of
cheap, vulgar bells and 
whistles dressed in gaudy
clothes pontificate what is
truth. Pontius Pilate 
asked on that distant day
what is truth?  Yes, they keep
believing here despite nothing
being left except the shiny and
pretty coffins with dead men's
and women's bones, as truth 
flees further and further 
down the road. 


  1. I like your poem a lot. Found your blog through Technorati and I look forward to reading more of your posts. I'll be adding you to my Google Reader. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. :)


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